Monday, January 26, 2009

This Is Off The Record, And You Can Quote Me On That

Crossing START A BLOG off my to do list was an attack against procrastination, a powerful agent in the world of writing. As one friend put it, "I don't know any writers who like to write. They like having written." Furthermore, the use of quotation marks (QM's) here is quite a liberal one, being as I was paraphrasing from memory. Let's face it, Q's are better. I worked as a journalist for a small Southern California newspaper over the course of a year, and for extra money I decided to write a pointless opinion piece that my editor neither requested nor necessarily wanted, about the Happy Holidays sign the city hung from the lamp posts on Main Street. In an attempt at secret sarcasm, I wrote that several citizens about town appreciated the cultural sensitivity of Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas. I made up Q's and asked friends if they wouldn't mind having said them. None of them minded. So, in a way, it seemed to me, the Q's were okay. I mean.....kind of.....right? (probably not) The article led to weeks of letters to the editor from concerned Jewish scholars to angry Christmas celebrators battling cultural sensitivity vs. meat and potatoes American customs. It was the most attention any of my articles ever received, and by "the most," I mean to say "the only." (More QM's!!)

I realize my QM's justification wouldn't be good enough for Edward R. Murrow or George Clooney, but I like it for this blog because without making a few things up, how can I write about hiking without having to hike? I guess I could keep describing Malibu Creek State Park. How many entries would that fill?

Hey, M*A*S*H got eleven seasons out of it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Malibu Creek State Park

In 1974, the 20th Century Fox Film Ranch was combined with land owned by Ronald Reagan and Bob Hope to create 4,000-acre Malibu Creek State Park (

So now, if you're willing to drive 25 miles west of downtown Los Angeles to Malibu, you can pay $10 to get out of your car and walk for a long time. You can even see where they used to film the T.V. show "M*A*S*H." Hotlips Houlihan here we come! (*Note: Radar was my favorite)

Finally, a chance to clear your head. It feels so good to get out of the city and be real. Treat yourself. You deserve it. Go with like-minded friends who have similar belief systems and comparable levels of attractiveness. Talk about how none of you like living in L.A. and desperately want to move to Oregon. (YOU, TOO?!!) Daily rainfall trumps this sunny, beachfront hell hole. And have you ever been to New York? I've heard people there talk about important things and celebrities can walk around without being bothered.

Malibu Creek State Park: Follow your trail to happiness.